The laboratory offers its expertise to organize at the Politecnico di Milano or at external laboratories basic or advanced training courses on quantitative analysis of human movement. The basic courses will provide the elements of knowledge to use systems of analysis of the path, from the preparation of the patient, the acquisition and processing of data up to the reading of the paths contained in a report of analysis of the path. The advanced courses will provide the elements to conduct an advanced analysis of the data obtained from walking evaluations and will provide elements to conduct assessments of other motor gestures (posture, upper limb movement, sit to stand, running, jumps…)significant not only in the clinical field but also ergonomic and/ or sports. The courses are multidisciplinary and are open to all professionals interested and involved in the analysis of the movement (biomedical engineers, doctors, physiotherapists…). Specific courses may be organized according to the needs of the interested parties.
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